Monday, November 27, 2006

The pit of despair

We had some plumbing issues with our house. Apparently the mainline had sunk into a cesspool about 40 years ago and basically created a trap in the line. You find these things out when your sewage starts backing up.....ugh. Anyway, it was repaired today along with changing the main water line from lead (which I hear is bad, but I have a hard time remembering) to copper.

Monday, November 06, 2006

byron smiling

Misty monday

Well, we are almost ready for winter. Yard is all cleaned up with two trips to the compost site. I still have to get a snowblower, however. I really want a fairly small two stage honda. Byron is very tired today and yesterday as he had a visitor on saturday night. Carol and Daryl brought over their dog, Isaac, to play with our B. They battled for about four hours. We also got our crib put together over the weekend. It was a bit of a trial, but I think it came out fine. Not much else new....vikes offense is offensive