Monday, November 12, 2007

Turtle Lake Casino

John John, Brian and I went off to Turtle Lake Wisconsin to play some no-limit poker on saturday.  JJ wanted to get in on a tournament they have every sat.  100+15 tourney.  The casino was no where near as nice as the Cherokee in Tulsa.  It was kind of like a huge trailer house from the outside.  Inside, the decor was similar to a lodge.  We went to the poker room which was kind of a loft area and bought into the tourney.  They had some nice flat screen tv's to watch the college games and a complementary hot dog/ brat area that also had beverages..all serve yourself.  (ironically, one could purchase a brat or hotdog directly down the stairs for 2 bucks..)  The tourney went pretty fast for me... I hit decent cards at bad times and got wounded, then knocked out on pocket kings....John and Brian were still playing, so I sat at a 1-2 no-limit table (which is what I wanted to play from the start).  There were heavy betters on this table.  The table was extremely loose and aggressive, so I played extremely tight and waited for my chance.  It took quite a while.  I kept watching this guy to my left just put tons of chips in on questionable hands.....he couldn't be bluffed out.  I only won two or three hands, but they were all big and all to this guy.  I came out ok overall.  winning over 100 at the cash game and losing 115 in the tourney.  Interesting one point, Brian and I go downstairs to see about eats....we ask this lady working around the slots where a restaurant would be....  she asks which one?  there are 2... one is the mi ki wa (or something) and one is the buffet...which one do we want to go to?  We say not the buffet... ok, she says, go to the very far end of the casino, past the craps tables.  So we do... throught the haze of cigarette smoke to find that both restaurants are right there next to each other.  Anyway, it was a bit of a drive from the cities... I think I want to check out the 2-10 table at treasure island next.