Friday, April 06, 2007

what is fit?

I pretty much only listen to KFAN...I know, a sad declaration, but sometimes it gets me thinking. One radio spot that runs many times a day revolves around Jeff Dubay pontificating about how we should all try this weight loss program. One that you can eat all you want and never excercise and still lose weight. I really don't remember what the stuff is, but a couple of years ago he did the same thing with "body solutions for men."
I get to thinking....he really doesn't want to be healthy. He cannot stop being a glutton or a lazy ass, he just wants to appear more slim.
So I think...what is healthy these days.... Lance Armstrong/Barry Bonds? Both appear very healthy, but what underlying liver malfunction is waiting. Model runway babes...while being very slim, go back stage and hurl while they smoke. Pooh likes to tout how thin is not always meaning healthy, but fat certainly isn't healthy.
I guess it is all about moderation. Eat moderately, exercise moderately and smoke...never.
Our society will always say thin is healthy even if you have to starve yourself and purge your food to do it.....

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